Case Study - De-beading within HDD Ducting 

Project name – De-beading and defect removal in HDD ducting underneath a main carriageway 
Equipment Used – Prokasro 1.7 Unit 
Pipe diameter – 147mm

Our equipment can be used in a wide range of industries to save time and money 

The Problem 

Lateral Cutting - De-beading within HDD Ducting - The Horizontal Directional Drilling (HDD) contractor had installed 198 metres of cable ducting underneath a main carriageway on a large utilities project. Unfortunately, the CCTV survey of the duct highlighted that the ‘beading’ which connects the sections of ducting together was causing an obstruction. This can prevent the cables from being pulled through the ducting, incurring major delays and the associated additional costs.  

The Solution

Traditional de-beading equipment had already been used to try and remove the obstructions. However, this and been unsuccessful and had even damaged to the walls of the ducting. Luckily, utilising our Prokasro 1.7 unit equipped with the PowerLine motor (designed for small bore pipework), we were able to accurately trim back all the beading as well as the damaged sections of pipework. The furthest our equipment had to travel down the pipework was approximately 75 metes which is unprecedented for such a small diameter!

The Outcome

Thanks to the precision of our cutting equipment, we managed to fully remove all defects and obstructions from the ducting meaning our client could progress with their project, avoiding the severe delays and associated costs that other methods may have caused.